General Information

  General Information  

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran School is an elementary school with preschool through eighth grade classes.  Preschool and kindergarten are separate classes while the other grades have two grade levels in each classroom.  Trinity School is chartered by the Ohio Department of Education and all the teachers are State of Ohio Certified teachers.  The student to teacher ratio is about 10 to 1.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church established the school to make a Christian education available to their children and the children of the community.  Each school day is begun with a devotion and then a Bible History class or a Catechism class.  As the other subjects are taught throughout the remainder of the day each is presented in the light of God’s Word.  As a child progresses through the grades, he (she) learns more of the chief parts of Christian Doctrine, prayers, Bible verses and hymns.

The school day begins at 8:15AM and dismisses at 3:15PM. 

Bus Service
Trinity owns and operates two school buses.  Student who live within a ten mile radius of Jenera can be picked up on one of our buses.  If a student lives outside the ten mile limit he (she) will need to be brought to an agreed upon location inside the limit in order to ride the bus. Trinity currently has a bus pickup location at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Findlay.

Before and After School Care
Trinity also offers before and after school care for students in grades K-8.

Students at Trinity have access to private piano lessons during the school day.   

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